What is "Sefer Hashem", and what is not missing from it?
Rashi: It is Bereishis. When He brought the flood, He decreed that all creations gather into the ark, male and female. Not one of them was missing. All the more so, when He will decree this on them, to gather to drink blood, to eat flesh and Chelev.
Radak: It is this Sefer. The verse addresses one who will see the destruction. Call the Chayos and birds mentioned in this Parashah. All will dwell in this city when it is destroyed!
Radak citing his father: It is the Sefer Torah of Moshe. Expound all Chayos and birds in Parashas Shemini - not one of them is missing.
Radak citing Ibn Ezra: This is a metaphor - it hints to Shamayim's decrees, which are written with Elokim's finger. All the decrees will come.
Malbim: This is a metaphor. The heads of the army write in a Sefer the names of all the soldiers. When they gather and want to know if anyone is missing, they read the names. So Hashem is the head general of these Chayos and birds. Read the names, and you will see that not one is lacking!
What is the meaning of "[Ishah Re'usah] Lo Fakadu"?
Rashi: They were not lacking. This is like "v'Lo Nifkad Mimenu Ish" (Bamidbar 31:49).
Malbim: Do not say that the animals called each other to come. Hashem commanded!
What did Hashem command?
Rashi: That they come.
What is "Rucho"?
Rashi: It is of "Fi" (My mouth). Rucho refers to Fi, like "uv'Ru'ach Piv Kol Tzeva'am" (Tehilim 33:6). Also here, the Ru'ach of His mouth gathered them.
Radak: It is His desire; He gathered them to come to Eretz Edom.
Malbim: It is the wind that comes from the mouth while speaking. This wind itself gathered them; no special Dibur was needed.