
What is "Mir'eh Tov"?


Malbim: It is a place to graze during the day.


What is "Harei Merom Yisrael"?


Radak: It is Yerushalayim, which is higher than the rest of Eretz Yisrael and all Yisrael will have a dwelling in Yerushalayim in the future, like it says at the end of this Sefer.


What do we learn from "Sham Tirbatznah b'Naveh Tov"?


Malbim: Flocks need a place to lie down at night. It is called Neve Tzon. The place will be in mountains, safe from Chayos and bandits.


Why does it add "u'Mir'eh Shamen Tir'enah"?


Malbim: Normally, mountains are not fat (fertile), and it is not a good place, for it is hard to ascend. The verse teaches that it will be fat and good ? they will be able to graze there, and will not need to descend to pasture.

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