
What is the meaning of "Yishgu"?


Rashi: They stray on all the mountains. I.e. they became Hefker; everyone does like he wants, and you did not rebuke them nor judge between people.


What is the significance of going from the mountains to the hill?


Malbim: There was still a possibility that they will return by themselves to their place and gather. However, via being scattered they erred to ascend mountains, and from there to the hill ? "Tzon Ovedos Hayu Ami Ro'eihem His'um Harim Shovevum me'Har El Giv'ah Halachu Shachechu Rivtzam" (Yirmeyah 50:6). Via this, they forgot their place ? "Al Pnei Kol ha'Aretz Nafotzu Tzoni", for they forgot where they lie.


What do we learn from "v'Ein Doresh v'Ein Mevakesh"?


Malbim: When the flock is lost, the shepherd goes to seek them. When he does not find them, he investigates and asks if people found them; if so, he can give a Siman via which they will return them to him. Not only does no one investigate ? no one even seeks them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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