
Why does it say "va'Yavo" (singular)?


Rashi: At the beginning of the Parashah it says "Beis Yisrael" (16). Therefore, the entire Parashah is in the singular.


Rashi citing Pesichah to Eichah Rabah 15: Hashem came with Yisrael to Galus 1 , and tilted His ear to what the captors say ? 'they are Am Hashem and He was unable to save them.'


Malbim: Hashem came with them to Galus, to supervise that the punishment will be only according to their sin ? Midah k'Neged Midah, so they will recognize that the punishment is via Hashgachah.


Radak: This is like "b'Chol Tzarasam Lo Tzar" (Yeshayah 63:9).


How did they profane His Kadosh name?


Rashi: They lowered His honor. The captors say "they are Am Hashem and they left His land", and He was unable to save His Am and land.


Radak: The nations say about Yisrael "they are Am Hashem" ? they were already Am Hashem, "and they left His land", and He left them in Galus all this time. It is as if they profane His name via extending the Galus through their sins. The Goyim say that Hashem cannot take them out of Galus. (Do not say that He could, but He does not want to.) How did He choose them, and afterwards despise them and cast them away from Him?!


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They went among the nations to which they were exiled, for profaning My Kadosh name. They are Am Hashem ? how were they exiled from the land that houses His Shechinah?!


Malbim: The Goyim see that His Hashgachah is with them ? even in the land of their enemies, He did not abandon them to eradicate them. If so, why did they leave His land? Why does He not return them to His land ? there is the place of His Hashgachah! They will say, it is because He lacks ability.

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