
How will He be Mekadesh His name?


Rashi: "V'Lakachti Eschem Min ha'Goyim" (24).


Malbim: Until now it was profaned among the Goyim ? "va'Ychalelu Es Shem Kodshi be'Emor Lahem Am Hashem Eleh ume'Artzo Yatza'u" (20). (b) You profaned it among yourselves via evil deeds.


What will teach the Goyim "Ki Ani Hashem"?


Malbim: (a) "B'Hikadshi Vachem l'Eineihem" ? His name is sanctified via Yisrael, via forcing them to repent ? "b'Yad Chazakah? Emloch Aleichem; ? v'Heveisi Eschem El Midbar ha'Amim?; u'Varosi Mikem ha'Moredim" (20:33, 35, 38).

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