
What do we learn from "Lo Lema'anchem"?


Radak: This implies that they will [not 1 ] leave Galus due to Teshuvah, like I explained "va'Yar Ki Ein Ish" (refer to Yeshayah 59:16:1:3 and the notes there. Radak brought that other verses imply oppositely.)


It seems that the text should say so, like Radak explained in Yeshayah. (PF)


Why does it say "Boshu v'Hikalmu"?


Radak: It is proper that you be ashamed for your ways are evil and I take you out of the nations and bring you to your land.


Sha'arei Teshuvah 1:22: Kelimah is a greater shame than Bushah, therefore it is always mentioned after Bushah.


What do we learn from "Yivada Lachem"?


Malbim: Via remembering your sin, you will know that I did not do for your sakes, and you will be ashamed of your ways. Inner shame is part of Teshuvah and Kaparah. One who sins and is ashamed of it, all of his sins are pardoned (Brachos 12b).

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