
What is the meaning of "Al Tevo'eni Regel Ga'avah"?


Rashi: I should not have a share with Resha'im at the time of receiving reward, that they should have a share with Tzadikim.


Radak: Should not come to me 1 the leg of enemies who come haughtily to distract me with war - then I would not be free to engage in Avodas Hashem.


Malbim: I should not err due to Pesha's claims, about investigation. It is called Regel Ga'avah, for pride causes failure in investigations of nature, and all the more so of Divine Chachmah. He thinks that nothing is hidden from his understanding; really, some things are above human understanding - "Lo Gavah Libi" (131:1).


Radak: Likewise, "Tevo'ehu Sho'ah" (35:8) means 'should come to him.'


What is the meaning of "v'Yad Resha'im Al Tenideni"?


Rashi: When I come to inherit double - my share of good, and the Rasha's share 1 - he should not budge me from my place.


Radak: They should not dislocate me from where I isolate myself to know Your ways. Resha'im come with their feet and fight with their hands.


Malbim: I should not err due to Pesha's claims, about deed. "Yad" hints to action; Resha'im should not cause me to do evil acts.


Rashi: Like it says "Lachen b'Artzam Mishneh Yirashu" (Yeshayah 61:7).

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