
Why does it say "Limtzo Avono Lisno"?


Rashi: Pesha tricked the Rasha, so Hashem will find sin in him to hate him. Radak - it makes the [sinful] act seem nice.


Radak #1: He entices him to seek the evil act until he finds it. This is like "Lech Metza Es ha'Chitzim" (Shmuel I, 20:21). Lisno - amidst doing so constantly, he will despise the Aveirah.


Radak #2: He entices him to seek the evil act, and hate the opposite, i.e. the good path. This is like "Ki Es Hashem Azvu Lishmor" (Hoshe'a 4:10) - to guard the ways of other gods.


Radak citing Shocher Tov: Resha'im look with their eyes, search with their hands and think in their hearts to find an Aveirah that Hashem hates, to do it - "Ki Chol To'avas Hashem Asher Sanei Asu lei'Loheihem" (Devarim 12:31).


Malbim: Against the opinion that Mitzvos are for our benefit, like a doctor's orders (refer to 36:2:1:3), Pesha says that intellect should agree with the Mitzvos. He asks [the Rasha] to find a reason to hate Aveirah and refrain from it. The investigative intellect counters the first claim (denial of Hashgachah, reward and punishment). The practical intellect counters this latter claim. Pesha covers dross silver on earthenware to show that there is nothing wrong with doing evil.

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