
To whom does "Ish El Achiv" refer?


Rashi (in Bereishis 49:5) and Targum Yonasan: It refers to Shimon and Levi, who were brothers-in-arms - from the time of the episode with Shechem.


Why did they refer to Yosef as "Ba'al ha'Chalomos ha'Lazeh"?


Seforno: They accused him of deliberately relating his dreams in order to provoke them into attacking him, 1 so as to incur the wrath of their father, of Hashem or both, thereby bringing about their destruction.


Oznayim la'Torah: Because of all the things that irked them - the fact that their father loved him more than them, that he made him a special robe and the Lashon ha'Ra that he spoke about them to their father, the dreams, that suggested that he wanted to rule over them, angered them the most.


Ha'amek Davar: "Ha'Lazeh" refers to something exceptionally awesome, in this case, his dreams.


Malbim: Because they claimed that he did not come to see the Shalom of his brothers, but to fulfill his dream and rule over them in the field.


In keeping with his previous explanation. Refer to 37:18:1:2.


What are the connotations of the word "Ba'al ha'Chalomos ha'Lazeh Ba"?


Rashi: It means that they pointed at him with their fingers.


Rashbam: "ha'Lazeh" refers to someone who is far; and 'ha'Zeh' to someone who is near.


Who issued the suggestion to dispose of Yosef?


Rashi (to 49:5) and Targum Yonasan: Shimon and Levi, who were comrades-in-arms. 1


Rashi: As Yaakov intimated (49:5), both as regards Shechem and here - seeing as neither Reuven nor Yehudah agreed with the idea of killing him, the sons of the maidservants did not hate him, and Yisachar and Zevulun would not have spoken before their older brothers. Refer also to 42:24:2:1 .

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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