
What is "Sha'ar Binyamin"?


Radak: It is one of the gates of Yerushalayim. It is called Sha'ar Binyamin because it was in Binyamin's portion, or because outside the gate was the road to Eretz Binyamin.


What is "Ba'al Pekudos"?


Rashi: He is appointed to guard that no one leave the city (Radak - via that gate) to make Shalom with the Bavliyim.


Why does the verse name Yir'iyah's grandfather?


Rashi: It was Chananyah ben Azur. This teaches that anyone who flatters a Rasha, in the end he falls to him, his son or his grandson. Yirmeyah answered "Amen


What is the meaning of "El ha'Kasdim Atah Nofel"?


Radak, Targum Yonasan: You join with them and heed them. This is like "umi'Menasheh Naflu Al David" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 12:20). Malbim - because they were still in Yehudah, they suspected that he wants to flee to them to be with them.

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