
What is the meaning of "Cherev Paschu Resha'im"?


Rashi: The Resha'im initiated conflict by themselves.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: They sharpened and polished [their swords]. This is like "Cherev Pesuchah" (Yechezkel 21:33).


Radak: It is removing the sword from its case. This is called Pesichah, like removing a prisoner from his binds - "Asirav Lo Pasach Baisah" (Yeshayah 14:17).


What will they do with their swords and bows?


Malbim: The swords are to slaughter travelers [whom they want to rob], and the bows are to kill Aniyim (who have nothing to rob them of) from afar. They did not merely plot; they prepared their weapons!

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