
What is the significance of Yibum (which Yehudah initiated)?


Ramban: Yibum is one of the Torah's secrets, connected with reincarnation. In fact, it entails bringing down the Neshamah of one's deceased brother. 1


Ramban: Before the Torah was given, it could be performed by any relative (Yehudah was not Er's brother, rather his father). It is an act of kindness towards one's deceased relative, and refusing to do so displays cruelty, which explains the Chalitzah ceremony.


What are the connotations of "v'Hakeim Zera l'Achicha"?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It means that the children that he will father, will be called after Er (i.e., as if they will be his children). 1


See Sifsei Chachamim, who refutes the Ramban's understanding of Rashi - that the child will be given the name of the deceased. For Gur Aryeh, see 38:8:151.1:1 .


What did Yehudah command Onan?


Malbim: He should do the Mitzvah of Yibum, and establish seed for his brother, to benefit the soul of the deceased.


Ha'amek Davar: Onan did not want her for a wife. Yehudah said that even so, he should perform Yibum for one time, and he may divorce her immediately afterwards. 1


If so, why did Yehudah add, "and establish seed for your brother" (which implies maintaining intimacy until conceiving a child)? Perhaps he sensed that Tamar would become pregnant from the first Bi'ah, like she did later! (PF)



Rashi writes: "'Establish seed' - [That] the child will be called after the deceased (Yikarei Al Shem ha'Mes)." What does this mean? Why was Onan so opposed to the idea?


Gur Aryeh: It does not mean that their child should be named Er, the name of the deceased brother; for why would Onan have cared to such a degree over that? (Ramban) Rather, it was because the Mitzvah of Yibum obligated the marriage of Er's wife to Onan. [The deceased] Er would be the cause of this child; he would be "credited" to Er's account. 1 [Onan wanted his children to be of his own doing. 2 ]


Gur Aryeh: Rashi uses the expression "called after the deceased" to paraphrase the Pesukim regarding Yibum (Devarim 25:6; also see Rus 4:5,10). Compare to Seforno (to 38:9).


Gur Aryeh: This is also what the Torah means by, "so as not to give seed to his brother" (38:9); i.e. Onan could not allow any children to come about due to Er.

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