
What is "ka'Sho'ah"?


Rashi: It is like darkness ? a fog that covers the land.


Radak: Like a great torrent of water that comes suddenly, makes noise and floods. This is like "b'Vo ch'Sho'ah Pachdechem" (Mishlei 1:27).


Malbim: Amidst the multitude of horses and cavalry, it will seem that a fog and darkness came to darken their light and kill them. However, refer to 38:9:2:1.


What is the comparison to a cloud?


Malbim: They will cover the land like a cloud amidst the multitude of civilians (not soldiers) that will come with them (even though Yisrael are few, and a multitude is not needed against them). This seems to show that you came to settle people in the land, and not to destroy it! This is like a cloud, which covers, protects and brings rain!


What is the significance of "v'Chol Agapecha v'Amim Rabim Osach"?


Malbim: Agapecha (your soldiers) indicate that you came to destroy the land. Amim Rabim (civilians) with you indicate that you came to seize kingship and settle many nations in the land!


Why does it say "Osach"?


Radak: It means Itach (with a Dagesh), like Imach (with you).

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