
What are the implications of the phrase, "va'Yehi Achar ha'Devarim ha'Eleh"?


Oznayim la'Torah and Malbim: As long as Yosef was a slave, Potifar's wife would not have dreamt of accosting Yosef in this manner. 1 It was only after he was elevated to the status of a servant, placed in charge of Potifar's household and then appointed manager over his estate, when the title 'Eved' was long forgotten, 2 that she accosted him.


Ha'amek Davar: After Yosef had great success and did not need to toil, therefore he was beautiful, and this occurred. 3


Oznayim la'Torah: History teaches us that the Roman noble-women would unashamedly bathe in front of their slaves because they considered them animals, and it would have therefore been utterly debasing to have had relations with him. (But Potifar bought Yosef with intent to have relations with him, presumably immediately! Perhaps he intended to free Yosef, but after he was rendered incapable (refer to 39:1:2:2), he did not. - PF)


Which is why she referred to him as "Ish Ivri" (39:14).


Yosef was beautiful from the beginning. This is why Potifar bought him! Perhaps his beauty faded when he began working hard, and returned when he was appointed over Potifar's house. (PF)


Why did the wife of Potifar say to Yosef "Shichvah Imi," in the feminine?


Kesef Mezukak: 'If you do not want to be intimate with me like a male, just lie with me like a female.' 1


Kometz Minchah: She used the feminine to arouse his thoughts.


Pnei Yosef: Sometimes there is a 'Hei' when speaking to a male - "Esfah Li" (Bamidbar 11:16); "Redah Elai" (Bereishis 45:9). In fact, to a female, one says 'Shichvi' (ending with a Yud, as in Rus 3:13 and Bereishis 19:34). The 'Hei' hints that due to Yosef's refusal, a 'Hei' was added to his name ("Eidus bi'Yehosef Samo" (Tehilim 81:6)).


Ha'amek Davar (to Vayikra 15:18): [She used an expression of Shechivah, laying down, for] the terms 'Bi'ah' and 'Be'ilah' apply only to a husband coming to his wife. [This is difficult. It says Bi'ah regarding "Eshes Re'ehu" (Mishlei 6:29), and regarding others lying with the concubines of Sha'ul and David (Shmuel II 3:7, Shmuel II 16:21). Yehudah said so to Tamar, thinking that she is a Zonah (however, some say that he was Mekadesh her - refer to 38:16:1:3 and 38:16:1:5). It says "u'Va'al Bas El Nechar" (Mal'achi 2:11)! - PF]


Why does it say "El Yosef"? It should say 'Al Yosef'!


Ha'amek Davar: She adorned herself and lifted her eyes near Yosef to arouse him to Zenus. Later, she explicitly said so to him.

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