
Why does it say "l'Ra'ah v'Lo l'Tovah"?


Malbim: Until now, the evil was for the sake of good, so they will repent, and it will be good for them. However, now there was a decree, and it is only for evil. After the last warning that Yirmeyah gave to Tzidkiyah, and he did not heed his words, it became necessary that the Bayis be destroyed in any case.


What is the meaning of "v'Hayu Lefanecha ba'Yom ha'Hu"?


Rashi: The matters will be in front of you; you will see them fulfilled.


Radak: Do not fear lest the officers kill you before the city is captured, because you saved Yirmeyah against their desire. You will see the capture of the city.


Malbim: You will not escape the city, and you will see the evil.

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