
What is "Makom Sham Kever"?


Rashi: It is a Makom (place), that Sham (there) Kever (there will be a grave) for them. Because they descend from Yefes who covered his father's Ervah, he merited that they will be buried [in Eretz Yisrael] (Bereishis Rabah 36:6). Radak ?simply, they will be buried "Lema'an Taher Es ha'Aretz" (12).


Radak: This should be re-arranged; it is like Mekom Kever Sham. Similarly, "Kol Hera Oyev ba'Kodesh" (Tehilim 74:3) is like Kol Oyev Hera ba'Kodesh; "Kol Tisa Avon" (Hoshe'a 14:3) is like Kol Avon Tisa.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: A place proper for burial.


Malbim: It says "v'Yita Ahalei Afadno Bein Yamim l'Har Tzvi Kodesh" (Daniel 11:45). He will pitch a tent Kelali between the sea and Har Tziyon. At that time he will find a grave for his camp. To the east of the sea where he will pitch his tent, there will be a canyon between two mountains.


What is "Gei ha'Overim"?


Ri Karo 1 : It is a canyon from there, people cross Yam Kineres to bring from [the other side] Peros Ginosar (they are unbelievably tasty - see Berachos 44a).


Radak: A canyon over which people pass. Malbim ? it is between two mountains.


It seems that also Rashi explains so; perhaps the text of Rashi should say 'shemi'Sham' (like Ri Karo) in place of 'she'Hem'. (PF)


Where is "Kidmas Yam"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: The east of Yam Ginosar. Radak ? Ginosar is the Kineres. The verse did not specify which sea; Eretz Yisrael has an eastern sea and a western sea 1 .


The Mediterranean Sea is in the west. There is another sea in the east ? Yam ha'Melach! (PF)


What is the meaning of "v'Chosemes Hi Es ha'Overim"?


Rashi: It closes those who pass. This is like "Lo Sachsom" (Devarim 25:4, muzzling). The many dead bodies will make people cease to pass. Therefore, they will bury them.


Rashi citing Menachem: People (passersby) will close their noses to avoid smelling the dead bodies. Radak - Chosemes is Po'el Yotzei Shelishi (one causes a second to act on a third party; it causes people to close their noses).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is close to two mountains.


Malbim: Those who pass east of the sea will not be able to go straight due to the canyon; it stops those who pass. Hashem will make them fall there when they return to their tents by the sea, and there they will be buried.


Why is there a Hei at the end of Hamono?


Radak: The Vov is in place of a Hei. just like "Ahalo" (Bereishis 12:8).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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