
Why does it say both "Ashuv Shevus Yakov" and "v'Richamti Es Beis Yisrael"?


Malbim: The former refers to returning them from Galus. The latter is [salvation from] afflictions during Galus. "Yakov" is the 10 tribes, just they were cast off and did not suffer decrees against the Mitzvos. They need only to return. "Yisrael" are Yehudah and Binyamin, which had great troubles, and need much mercy.


What will be the consequence of Hashem's Kin'ah for His name?


Rashi: He will don Kin'ah of salvation and vengeance for His Kadosh name, lest it be profaned more. "L'Shem Kodshi" is like Bishvil (for the sake of) Shem Kodshi. This is like "ha'Mekanei Atah Li" (Bamidbar 11:29).

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