
Why will they know "Ki Ani Hashem Elokeihem"?


Malbim: They will recognize that also when I exiled them to the Goyim, I was "Hashem Elokeihem." It was not for evil, rather, for good and with My Hashgachah Pratis.


What do we learn from "v'Chinastim Al Admasam"?


Malbim: Ge'ulas Koresh was not a true redemption. It was not the time for the Tikun (fixing) hoped for. There were four shortcomings. (a) They went with Koresh's permission ? in the future, I Myself will gather them to their land. Also refer to 39:28:3:1, 39:29:1:1, 39:28:2:1.


What will Hashem not leave over?


Rashi: He will not leave one of Yisrael in Galus.

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