
Why did she saddle the donkey herself?


Malbim: This was to do it quickly. We must say that the youth was young. If not, it would be forbidden for her to go alone with him in the field, due to seclusion 1 !


Bi'ah, and the Isur of seclusion, apply only to a male above nine years old. Even if people were harvesting today, they were prone to pass through places empty of people. She used to go to Elisha on Shabbos, so surely he was within her Techum. Perhaps the leniency of 'Ba'alah ba'Ir' applied, especially since her husband knew where she is going. However, Rashi (Kidushin 81b) forbids l'Chatchilah. - PF)


What is the meaning of "Nehag va'Lech Al Ta'atzar Li Lirkov"?


Rashi: Hurry! Do not delay (make it go slow) due to me [unless I tell you]. Radak - i.e. she rode, and told the youth to conduct the animal, i.e. hit it to make it go fast.


Radak, Malbim: She walked amidst her gloom. She told the youth to conduct the animal and walk after it, and not stop it in order for her to ride on it, unless she tells him 1 . Radak - Yonason translates like this, just he explains Ta'atzar to apply to her - do not pressure me to ride, unless I tell you.


Ralbag: If she will be too tired, she will need to ride.


Why did she say "Shalom"?


Radak: She did not want to reveal [the death] to anyone before seeing the Navi.

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