
Who are "Paros ha'Bashan"?


Rashi: They are wives of the officers. Radak - Bashan is a place of fat (fertile) pasture. The animals that graze there are fat and good. The wives of the kings and great officers are compared to them, for they indulge in pleasures, and they are fat and beautiful.


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Wealthy property owners.


Malbim: They are wives in Har Shomron. They are fat, indulgent, gluttonous and drunkards.


What are "ha'Oshekos Dalim"?


Radak, Malbim: They cause oppression. "They tell their masters (husbands) 'bring, and we will drink.'" If their husbands do not have money available, they oppress the weak, who have no strength to escape them. Malbim ? oppression was another snare. It was due to their haughty wives.


What is the meaning of "Rotzetzos"?


Radak: It is breaking, like "Kaneh Ratzutz" (Yeshayah 42:3). I.e. they strike them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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