
Why does it say "Ki Mi Vaz l'Yom Ketanos"?


Rashi: Was founded the Bayis that was small in their eyes - "v'Rabim meha'Kohanim... Asher Ra'u Es ha'Bayis ha'Rishon b'Yasdo Zeh ha'Bayis b'Eineihem Bochim b'Kol Gadol" (Ezra 3:12) "ha'Lo Chamohu v'Ayin b'Eineichem" (Chagai 2:3).


Radak: When they began building, their afflicters ceased the work. That was a day of small voices. All the years that the work ceased, they belittled that day.


Malbim: This refers to nowadays, that the Binyan is small in your eyes. The day of Ge'ulah of Bayis Sheni is small.


Why will they rejoice?


Rashi: Those who belittled the Bayis when its foundation was made, they will rejoice when they see ha'Even ha'Bedil in Yehoshua's hand.


Malbim: Those who belittled the Binyan and this small day, they will rejoice in the future when they see ha'Even ha'Bedil in the hand of [Metzudas David - Mashi'ach, who comes from] Zerubavel, who founded the Bayis.


What is "ha'Even ha'Bedil"?


Rashi: It hangs on a plumb-line. The architect (head builder) holds it to make the cornerstone straight. Radak - it is made of tin or lead. It is called Even (even though it is metal), like "Lo Yihyeh Lecha b'Chisecha Even va'Aven" (Devarim 25:13). The word Samuch to ha'Bedil is omitted. It should say ha'Even Even ha'Bedil.


What do we learn from "b'Yad Zerubavel"?


Rashi: He is the architect.


What do we learn from "Shiv'ah Eleh"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: It is seven times the foundation in the days of Koresh.


Radak: Above (3:9), it says "Al Even Achas Shiv'ah Einayim" - they are Hashem's eyes, which roam over the entire land, and He sees those who pain Yisrael. He guards Yisrael, lest Tzareihem rule over them.


Malbim: They will see the seven eyes carved into the rock - a hint to natural conduct via the seven Kochvei Leket, they are Hashem's eyes, and not of the Kochvei Leket. He will supervise by Himself, without an intermediary. This explains the vision of the Menorah. The seven lamps hint to Hashem's seven eyes that will illuminate for the land and its residents in the future. Kevod Hashem will dwell in the future Mikdash on a fixed basis, and He will supervise via His seven Midos and Sefiros over His nation.


Why does it say "Einei Hashem Hemah Meshotetim"?


Rashi: [He sees the entire land, and] it is proper to do so, and He saw Zerubavel proper for the matter.

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