
What is the Chidush that he was a son to his father?


Rashi: Do not say that Shlomo hated people - he warned them against theft and Arayos, matters that the Nefesh desires! Therefore, he says he was beloved to his father 1 , for he was tender and an only son 2 .


Rashi (4): The Navi says that I was a son to Hashem; He put His Ru'ach on me. We find that Hashem called him a son - "Ani Ehyeh Lo l'Av" (Shmuel II, 7:14).


R. Yonah: I was a son who receives Musar - to pursue Chachmah.


Malbim: I was my father's choice son, so he taught to me special Musar. I was chosen for two reasons. (a) Even though he had other sons, I was the primary son who will inherit the throne from him. (b) Refer to 4:3:2:2.


I.e. if one hates people, presumably this is because his parents hated him. This was not the case! (PF)


Refer to 4:3:2:2.


What is the significance of "Rach v'Yachid Lifnei Imi"?


Rashi (4): "Lifnei Imi" is like l'Umasi. I am chosen and dear [to my nation] like a tender, only son - therefore, my father taught me (4).


R. Yonah: At the time that I received my father's Musar, [I was tender and the only son of my mother].


Malbim: I was tender and alone when my father was in front of my mother. I was a lone son to my mother, and due to this my father considered me like his only son, due to his love for her 1 .


Why would David love her more than Avigayil? He blessed Avigayil for saving him from sin (Shmuel I, 25:33), she is considered the epitome of Yir'as Shamayim (Sanhedrin 2:4), and was the most beautiful of her era (Megilah 15a)! Seemingly, David's love of Shlomo was due to "Ven Nolad Lecha

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