
What is the significance of going to the gate?


Malbim: The Sanhedrin sits there. Refer to 4:1:2:1.


Why does it say "v'Hinei ha'Go'el Over"?


Malbim: Hine is a Chidush. Bo'az intended to summons the [closer] Go'el via a Shali'ach of Beis Din; Hashem caused the Go'el to pass there on his own, even though normally he did not, because Bo'az needed to speak with him.


Why did he say "Surah Shevah Po"?


Malbim: Veer from where you wanted to go, and sit here.


Above (3:13), he is called Tov. Why is he called here Ploni Almoni?


Rashi: His name is omitted, for he said that he will not redeem. The Targum of Ploni Almoni in Shmuel I, 21:3 is Kasi v'Tamir (covered and hidden). This is the meaning of Ploni, like "Ki Yipalei" (Devarim 17:8), "ha'Yipalei me'Hashem Davar" (Bereishis 18:14). Almoni is Almon (a widower), without a name. (Alternative text - he was a widower from Divrei Torah. He did not expound "Amoni", and not an Amonis; "Mo'avi", and not a Mo'avis. He said, "Pen Ashchis Es Nachalasi" (6).)


Malbim: There is with you a Pele. This is like "Lefalei Neder" (Vayikra 22:21). This shows choice of intent. Almoni is tying, like "Me'alemim Alumim" (Bereishis 37:7). Bo'az wants to discuss Ploni's tie to the redemption - he must clarify this (whether or not he wants to redeem).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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