
What is the meaning of "Odeinu Tichlenah Eineinu El Ezrasenu Havel"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: Our eyes still long for our help, and it is folly.


Rashi: When the evil came upon us, our eyes still looked to Pharaoh's army, about whom it says "u'Mitzrayim Hevel va'Rik Yazoru" (Yeshayah 30:7). Egypt promised to help them, and did not come [to help] - "Hine Cheil Pharaoh ha'Yotzei Lachem l'Ezrah Shav l'Artzo Mitzrayim" (Yirmeyah 37:7). A Midrash says, they were coming in boats. Hashem hinted to the sea, and it cast in front of them inflated flasks in the form of innards of people who drowned. The Egyptians said to each other, these are our ancestors who drowned in the sea 1 due to these Jews, and we go to help them?! They went back.


Ibn Ezra: We still hope for Egypt and Ashur to help us.


Ri Kara: This is how people talk. When one waits for his friend, and he does not come, he says 'until now I could wait for help of folly.'


Rid: When we were still in our place, our eyes looked to help of folly - kings of the nations.


Palgei Mayim: While we were still hoping for kings to come to help us, "Tzadu


Why would they go in boats to get to Eretz Yisrael? Perhaps they were returning from elsewhere (e.g. fighting Kush). Or, perhaps they knew that Bavel stationed many troops on the direct path to Eretz Yisrael to deter them, so they planned to cross the Yam Suf and come to Eretz Yisrael from the southeast. (PF)


What is "b'Tizipiyasenu"?


Rid: When we were anticipating.


What is "Tzipinu"?


Rashi: We waited.

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