
Who was the "Ish Binyamin"?


Rashi citing Midrash Shmuel 11:1: It was Sha'ul 1 , who grabbed the Luchos from Galyus, and fled.


Kli Yakar (Lani'ado): Perhaps we expound that it was Sha'ul, the leader of Binyamin. Or, due to taking the Luchos, he merited kingship. Also, Madav is said about Sha'ul's clothes - "va'Yalbesh Sha'ul Es David Madav" (17:38). Also, it hints that their Midah (size) was bigger than others' clothes; others' heads reached only until Sha'ul's shoulder.


Why did only one person go to Shilo?


Malbim: There were many there from Shilo, but the other scattered in all directions; many hid in caves and barren rocks. Only one came straight to Shilo to inform what he saw.


Why were his clothes torn?


Malbim: It was due to the fall of Yisrael.


Rashi (citing Midrash Shmuel) writes that Sha'ul grabbed the Luchos from Galyus. It is difficult to say that someone removed them from the Aron. The Pelishtim suffered great Makos just for having the Aron in their land, and all the more so if they would have put their hand on it [to remove the Luchos. The Navi does not record this!] Many Yisraelim in Beis Shemesh died just for looking at it (6:19)!


Kli Yakar (Lani'ado): "Va'Aron Elokim Nilkach" implies only the Aron, but not the Luchos. "Ish" implies that he was valiant, unlike those who were defeated. Also, it does not say that he fled. Rather, he heard that the Aron was taken, and went to get the Luchos. Why would he run to give bad news 1 ?!


We can say that he ran to flee the Pelishtim. However, if Shilo was 60 Mil away (refer to 4:16:1:1), surely he did not need to run the entire distance. (PF)

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