
What is the meaning of "Einav Kamah"?


Radak #1: His eyes had weakened. We find like this - (Melachim 1 14:4) "Kamu Einav mi'Seivo" (they weakened due to his old age). In old age, the fluid [in the eyes] dries up, and Yisri of the eye are Kam (rise), and the eye enters the hole.


Radak #2: His eyes pined from longing. Yonason translated "Kalu Eineihem" (Yirmeyah 14:6) 'Kamah Eineihon.' And so he translated here.


Why does it say "Kamah"? "Einav" is plural!


Radak: Each of his eyes was Kamah.


Malbim: The sight of his eyes had weakened.


Why does the verse teach that His eyes had weakened?


Malbim: Had he seen the herald with earth on his face, and the clothes of everyone in the city were torn, he would have gradually realized what happened. He would not have been so agitated when he heard suddenly.

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