
Who fled, and why?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: The Jews in Be'eros, near the Pelishtim, fled after Sha'ul died (1:31:7). 1


Radak (2): The two officers fled; it does not say why. Perhaps they had a quarrel with Sha'ul or his son, and now they returned. They made peace with him beforehand, therefore the household did not beware of them.


Radak: According to Menachem, that the officers killed a Ben Sha'ul (not Ish Boshes), this is why they fled.


Malbim: The officers had killed a man, therefore they fled. They returned only today, that they came to kill Ish Boshes.


Radak (1:31:7): They were not walled cities. Malbim (1:31:7) - they saw that they cannot rely on the strength of the nation, for they fled, and not on the king, for he and his sons died; they abandoned them.

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