
Why are they referred to as "Sarisim" of Pharaoh?


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: They were important officials. Refer to 39:1:2:1 .


Ramban: They were eunuchs. 1 Refer to 39:1:2:2 .


Ramban: Both the butler and the baker served the women as well, and kings would customarily castrate the men who worked in the women's quarters.



Rashi writes (to 40:1) that a fly was found in the wine, and a pebble in the bread. The latter is a worse sin! Why does it say that "Pharaoh was angry with Sar ha'Mashkim and Sar ha'Ofim" - which implies that he was more angry with the former?


Malbim: The Sarim served the wine and bread; they did not make it. It was greater negligence that the Sar ha'Mashkim did not notice the fly in the cup. How could the Sar ha'Ofim know that there was a pebble in the bread?! His only sin was appointing a baker who was not careful. 1


Ha'amek Davar: It repeats "v'Al" to teach that each sinned independently. (Perhaps Sar ha'Mashkim is mentioned first, for that episode occurred first!)


Malbim: It is indeed illogical that Pharaoh should kill the Sar ha'Ofim, and not the Sar ha'Mashkim. Therefore, it was clear that Yosef interpreted the dreams through Ru'ach ha'Kodesh.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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