
What is the meaning of "Es Mi No'atz va'Yvinehu"?


Rashi #1: To which Nochrim does He give counsel, like He does with the Nevi'im, e.g. "ha'Mechaseh Ani me'Avraham" (Bereishis 18:17).


Rashi #2: What man will counsel Hashem? "Goyim k'Mar mi'Deli" (15) - how will they teach to Him?!


Radak: Man's knowledge and understanding depends on someone else, for two reasons. (a) Hashem gives Da'as. He put a nature in man to know and understand. Philosophers agree that Hashem put axioms in man's nature on which all investigations are based, i.e. that opposites cannot coexist in one matter.


Why does it say "va'Yvinehu va'Ylamdenu b'Orach Mishpat"?


Rashi: To which Nochrim does He teach Chachmah, like He did with Avraham? He gave to him a heart to recognize Him and understand Torah - "va'Yishmor Mishmarti Mitzvosai Chukosai v'Sorosai", "Lema'an Asher Yetzaveh" (Bereishis 26:5, 18:19). His kidneys flowed with Chachmah - "Af Leilos Yiseruni Chilyosai" (Tehilim 16:7).


Radak: Who taught to Him the nature of the world?! Similarly, "v'Armon Al Mishpato Yeshev" (Yirmeyah 30:18), i.e. in its nature. The same applies to "ka'Mishpat ha'Rishon" (Bereishis 40:13).


Malbim: (a) Hashem gives to man understanding to make comparisons, to attribute matters to Kelalim or to individual categories. No one taught this to Hashem! (b) Man's knowledge is not complete via himself. He needs others to explain to him. And even if he understands without help, others needed to teach to him the ways of learning and understanding.

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