
Whom does the voice address?


Rashi: A voice from Hashem tells me to call.


Radak #1: It is as if a voice calls.


Radak #2: A voice of Nevu'ah tells the Navi to call.


Malbim: The verses depict that a voice called in the Midbar "clear Derech Hashem" (3), for the redemption is prepared to come immediately. However, due to sin of the generation it did not come then; that generation died and were cut off. The voice ceased calling, for the steps of Mashi'ach were not seen. Here, another voice tells it to call - why did you stop?


Who asked what to call?


Rashi: My Ru'ach said to Hashem, what will I call?


Malbim: The first voice, which ceased, asks 'why should I keep calling"' Refer to 40:6:1:4.


What is the meaning of "Kol ha'Basar Chatzir"?


Rashi #1: All who elevate [themselves], their grandeur will be reversed, and they will be like grass.


Rashi #2: The end of man is to die. Therefore, if he says that he will do Chesed, it is "k'Tzitz ha'Sadeh" - like a field flower that withers and dries. One cannot rely on him, for he cannot fulfill, lest he die.


Radak: The Goyim who will come with Gog and Magog. Most of them will die. Kol ha'Basar is an exaggeration, like "v'Chol ha'Aretz Ba'u Mitzraimah" (Bereishis 41:57) and similar verses.


Malbim: The first voice (refer to 40:6:1:4) explains, why should I call? The entire generation died, and many others, and the redemption did not come!


Why is "v'Chol Chasdo k'Tzitz ha'Sadeh"?


Rashi #1: Refer to 40:6:3:2.


Rashi #2: "V'Chesed l'Umim Chatas" (Mishlei 14:34).


Radak: Even if they did many Chasadim, they will not be remembered for them, for their sins are many. Also, they harmed Yisrael and they will receive their punishment. They are compared to grass and a field flower; they dry quickly, and the flower falls in the wind.

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