
What is the meaning of "v'El ha'Kasef mi'Chutzah [la'Oleh]"?


Rashi: To the other side of Pesach ha'Ulam, outside the interior of the Ulam, in the interior of the opening to Ezras Yisrael.


Radak: It is outside of the steps mentioned.


Vilna Gaon: It is outside, i.e. amidst the Ulam ? "la'Olah", in his ascent, on the side of the Ulam near the cell. (The Mikdash was on a mountain; one who approaches the Bayis ascends.)


Malbim: It is in the cell that was inside the Ulam and outside Pesach ha'Sha'ar, i.e. outside the 13 Amos of the length of the gate itself. There was the cell from which they ascend to Pesach ha'Sha'ar, which is outside the opening. Because the cell opened to the gate they could stand the tables only on the two sides of the cell's opening ? one on each side.


What is the meaning of "la'Oleh l'Fesach ha'Sha'ar ha'Tzafonah"?


Rashi: When he enters the gate and ascends the steps.


Vilna Gaon: There are two tables on this side at the beginning of his ascent, and two at the end of his ascent.


What does the verse teach about the tables?


Rashi: When he enters the gate and ascends the steps, two tables are to the east, and two are to the west.


What do we learn from "v'El ha'Kasef ha'Acheres"?


Vilna Gaon: Just like there are four tables on this side of the opening, there are four opposite them on the other side.


Malbim: It is the side of the opening of the cell. Also the other cell, there were two tables, one on each side of its opening.



Rashi writes that these are the tables counted in the previous verse. Why does the verse count them again? We should say that these are different tables ? the coming verse says that there were eight in all! And why does it say their use only after counting them?


Malbim: This verse discusses, for two cells, one table on each side of the cell. The previous verse discusses two tables on each sides of Ulam ha'Sha'ar. The coming verse teaches that these, and also four tables on each side of the gate itself, were for Shechitah.

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