
What are "veha'Sefasayim [Tofach Echad]"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: Iron hooks are fixed in low pillars in Beis ha'Mitbechayim (where Korbanos are rinsed) in the north, to hang and flay Kodshim. And so it says in Pesachim 64a 1 . Malbim ? the hooks stuck out a Tefach in back of the pillars.


Radak: Sefasayim is a Kli on which they rest pots. The suffix is because it has room to rest two pots.


Radak (citing Midos 3:5): Beis ha'Mitbechayim was north of the Mizbe'ach. There were eight low pillars, and square cedar blocks with iron hooks on them. They hang Korbanos from them, and flay them on marble tables between the pillars. Malbim ? marble cools the meat, lest it spoil. These are not the tables mentioned above.


What is the meaning of "Muchanim ba'Bayis"?


Rashi: [The hooks] are fixed in the interior of the Azarah. "Ba'Bayis" means inside.


Vilna Gaon: [The hooks] are fixed in the wall of the cells.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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