
Where is "mi'Chutzah la'Sha'ar ha'Penimi"?


Rashi: It is outside the interior of Ulam ha'Sha'ar, in the interior of Chatzer ha'Penimi.


Radak: Sha'ar ha'Penimi of Ezras Yisrael was outside of it, i.e. "be'Chatzer ha'Penimi."


Vilna Gaon: It was outside the north gate, in back of the cells on the east.


Malbim: They were in the Azarah, to the side of the gate and outside, on the side facing east. Inside the wall of the Chatzer were Ulamos, for a length of 25 and a width of five. They were 15 Amos from the gate. The chambers were in those 15 Amos. The Mizbe'ach was a square of 32 Amos in the middle of the Azarah. The middle 10 Amos were opposite the opening of the gate, and 11 Amos stuck out on each side. The chambers were in that area, east of the north gate. Their opening was to the south, opposite the Mizbe'ach. Opposite the south gate was the ramp, in the south, for 30 Amos. It reached until four Amos from the [south] wall. There was no room for chambers there. One chamber was on the side of the eastern gate in the 15 Amos between the gate and the Ulamos. The back of the chamber was to the south.


What are "Lishchos Sharim"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: They are chambers of Leviyim, who are Meshorerim (sing) [Vilna Gaon ? in "Chatzer ha'Penimi." it says "Lishchos" (plural) because the chamber contained [smaller] chambers.]


Why does it add "be'Chatzer ha'Penimi"?


Vilna Gaon: The Leviyim sing in Chatzer ha'Penimi.


Malbim: It is lest we err to say that they were truly outside, in Chatzer ha'Chitzonah.


What do we learn from "El Kesef Sha'ar ha'Tzafon"?


Radak: Kesef ha'Sha'ar is what is in back of the gate.


Malbim: They were east of the north gate. They stood from west to east; their back was to the north wall of the Chatzer.


What are "Peneihem"?


Rashi: Their openings.


Vilna Gaon: The faces of those who leave the chamber (they face south).


What is the meaning of "Echad El Kesef Sha'ar ha'Kadim"?


Rashi: One chamber 1 was to the side of the east gate. Malbim - it was in the 15 Amos between the gate and the Ulamos, for a length of 25 and a width of five. The verse did not specify if it was close to the east wall, or far, and close to the Mizbe'ach.


Radak: Even though Lishkah is feminine, it is a Bayis, therefore it says Echad (masculine).


What do we learn from "Pnei Derech ha'Tzafon"?


Vilna Gaon: One who leaves the chamber faces north.


Malbim: Its opening faces north.



Rashi writes that "Lishchos Sharim" are of Leviyim, who sing. The coming verse says that they are of Kohanim, who do not sing!


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: They are chambers of Leviyim, who are Meshorerim (sing).


Malbim: They are of Kohanim. This is difficult ? Kohanim are warned not to do the Avodah of Leviyim 1 ! Perhaps if a Kohen is Pasul for Avodah, he is permitted, for he is from Shevet Levi 2 . Or, perhaps the Kohanim 'sing' with instruments. In Bayis Shelishi, this chamber will be two Amos from the Duchan 3 (on which Leviyim sing). It says (Erchin 2:6) 'they did not stand on the Duchan?', i.e. those who played instruments 4 (Rambam). These Kohanim Pasul for Avodah will not stand on the Duchan, rather, in Lishchos Sharim and sing with the mouth (according to the answer that a Kohen Pasul for Avodah may sing - PF) or instruments. "U'Fneihem Derech ha'Darom" ? they will face south, towards the Mizbe'ach, just like in Bayis Sheni they faced [west,] towards the Mizbe'ach. The chamber is in Ezras Kohanim, for they are Kohanim (just they may not serve). See Mishneh l'Melech (Hilchos Bi'as Mikdash 6:1, who forbids a Kohen Ba'al Mum only on the Mizbe'ach or between the Mizbe'ach and the Ulam).


Ramban (Hilchos Klei ha'Melech 3:11): If a Kohen did a Levi's Avodah, he transgressed a Lav. Ra'avad ? he is Chayav Misah bi'Ydei Shamayim.


Malbim citing Lechem Yehudah: A Kohen who served may not do a Levi's Avodah, but before he served, he may.


Malbim: In Bayis Sheni, there were only 76 Amos from the eastern gate until the Ulam, and the Mizbe'ach was in the middle. The Duchan was at the end of Ezras Yisrael, 11 Amos from the east [end of the Azarah - Midos 2:6]. In Bayis Shelishi there will be 100 Amos from the eastern gate until the Ulam - 34 until the Mizbe'ach, 32 for the Mizbe'ach, and 34 until the Ulam. There will be 17 Amos from the Duchan to the Mizbe'ach. This chamber, by the wall of the northern gate, extends 15 Amos until the Ulamos, i.e. two Amos from the Duchan.


Malbim: However, Rashi says that it refers to young Leviyim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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