
How did the countries that lived far away from Egypt survive the famine?


Ramban: The Torah does not mean that all the countries suffered famine, only those that were close to Egypt. 1


Ramban: As a matter of fact, the Midrash explains that only three countries were involved Pinkiya (Phoenicia?), Arabia and Palestine (Kena'an).


Why does the Torah add "Ka'asher Amar Yosef" with regard to the years of famine?


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: Because the years of plenty could be attributed to chance, but the change from the years of extraordinary plenty to dire famine proved beyond doubt that Yosef's predictions had been correct.


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: Yosef had said "the plenty will not be known." Even though they ate [what they had saved], it did not satiate them.


Malbim: Yosef said that the plenty would be forgotten. There was famine in all lands. Individuals sold their food to outsiders, and cried to Pharaoh, who sent them to Yosef.


Ha'amek Davar: Even though this was only the first famine year, they were sure that there will be seven famine years, like Yosef said.


Why does the Torah use the word "va'Techilenah" for 'began'?


Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim: "Va'Techilenah" is like "Cholos" - people were sick due to the famine.


Why does the Torah stress that in Egypt, there was bread?


Ha'amek Davar: In other lands, only foods other than grain grew. The poor were used to them, but the rich were hungry. In Egypt, nothing grew; there was only the grain that Yosef saved, and it was expensive; the rich were satiated, and the poor were hungry.

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