
Why does it say "va'Yaku" (plural) and "va'Yames" (singular)?


Malbim: They [all] struck him, and Yishmael completed the death.


Why did they kill Gedalyah?


Rashi (1): The officers were jealous of him.


Radak: Yishmael was jealous that he was appointed over the land 1 .


Abarvenel: Melech Bnei Amon sent him, for he hated Melech Bavel, and did not want Eretz Yisrael to be under the rule of his appointee. Malbim (1,2) - also 2 , Yishmael thought that he himself should reign, for he was from Zera ha'Meluchah.


He did not explain why the officers joined with him. (PF)


It seems that Malbim agrees with Abarvenel's reason, just the word 'not' was omitted from the text. According to our text of Malbim 'he wanted Eretz Yisrael to be under the rule', why does this depend on his hatred for Melech Bavel? (PF)

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