
What is the meaning of "Yirdefem Ya'avor Shalom"?


Rashi: He went over the crossings b'Shalom; he did not stumble while chasing [the kings].


Radak #1: He chased them b'Shalom; not one of his men died in the war. It should say b'Shalom; the prefix 'Beis' is omitted, like "ha'Nimtza Veis Hashem" (Melachim II, 12:11) is like b'Veis Hashem, and many similar verses.


Radak #2: Shalom is an adjective (complete), like "va'Yavo Yakov Shalem" (Bereishis 33:18), "Shalach Yado bi'Shlomav" (Tehilim 55:21). Its grammatical form is like Karov and Rachok.


Malbim: He was not like one who goes to war, rather, like one who goes b'Shalom.


Why does it say "Orach b'Raglav Lo Yavo"?


Rashi: [He chased them on] a path that his legs did not traverse before. "Lo Yavo" means that he was not used to going on it.


Radak #1: This is astounding - his legs did not pain him on the path, and he did not tire at night when he came against them and struck them.


Radak #2: Nothing bad happened to him on this way.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The canyon of the path, he did not ascend with his legs.


Malbim: It is a dangerous path. He did not go there with his legs, rather, with a Ru'ach of Tzedek and salvation of Hashem that carried him.

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