
What is "Rochav ha'Kir Asher la'Tzela El ha'Chutz [Chamesh Amos]"?


Rashi: The wall of the cells near the Chatzer was the western wall.


Malbim: Each cell had a will in the middle dividing it into two. Our verse teaches that the outside wall was five thick, and also the wall in the middle, and also the walls that divide between the five cells [in the north, and also in the south].


What is the significance of five Amos?


Rashi: So we learned in Midos (4:7) that the wall was five Amos [wide in Bayis Sheni].


What is "va'Asher Munach"?


Rashi #1: There was an empty place in the northeast and southeast corners. (Refer to 41:11:5:1.) The cells do not surround the entire Bayis. The openings of the cells in the eastern corners were to these empty places ? "u'Fesach ha'Tzela la'Munach" (11). The cells did not open to the Chatzer, and not to the Heichal, only in these two corners they open to the Munach. From those cells, they can enter the second and third cells? Each cell had three openings ? to its right, to its left and to the cell above (Midos 4:3). Also Yonason translates 'a place was left.'


Rashi #2: The cells towards the Bayis, there is a place empty between cells and the Bayis (five Amos). The openings were there - "u'Fesach ha'Tzela la'Munach." Also Yonason translates 'a place was left.'


Radak: The outside wall of the cells (towards the Chatzer) was uniform (five Amos). However, the wall towards the Bayis was not uniform; it recessed, to make room to rest ceiling beams (refer to 41:6:5:1). It was "Asher Munach" ? at each level the amount left over from the cell.


Where is "Beis ha'Tzela'os Asher la'Bayis"?


Rashi: Opposite the air (interior) of the width of the cells, in the corner.


Vilna Gaon: The Munach was inside the cells, next to Kodesh ha'Kodoshim 1 .


This includes the Heichal. (PF)

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