What is the meaning of "His'Eisem b'Nafshoseichem"?
Radak: You deceived me about your desire, i.e. what was in Nafshoseichem. This is like "Im Yesh Es Nafshechem" (Bereishis 23:8). You did not show me with your mouths what was in your hearts. Yirmeyah said so, for he recognized that they want to go to Egypt.
Malbim: From Hashem's answer, I know that you already resolved to go to Egypt 1 . You deceived yourselves! You say that you will do as Hashem says, but He knows that you do not intend to heed His voice.
Malbim explained above (3, 6) that they already resolved to go and asked which route to take to Egypt, and if Hashem says to remain in Eretz Yisrael and not go, which is bad in our eyes, we will obey! Now I see that you intend to go even if Hashem will tell you not to. (PF)