
Which deaf and blind are discussed?


Rashi: They are of Yisrael.


Radak: This refers to Yisrael in the Navi's generation. You are deaf not to hear Devar Hashem, and blind not to see Him. Hear these benefits that I will do for Yisrael! From the first ones that came, you know that the latter will come! How do you harden your hearts and not heed Me to improve your ways? Further, you tell My Nevi'im, when I call to you, that you are deaf and blind!


Malbim: Wood and stone are not despised for not seeing and hearing. It is not proper to call them deaf and blind; these words apply only to one whose nature is to hear and see. So, idolaters are not despised for not seeing Hashem's wonders, or for not hearing words of Nevu'ah, for they could not see or hear, since Devar Hashem did not come to them. This was not from their nature, Only Yisrael, who could see Hashem's deeds and hear His word, and they do not see and hear, they are properly called deaf and blind. You have inner senses to see and hear Divine images and words, and still you do not see and hear. You are truly deaf and blind, and others are not!


How did the blind see?


Malbim: There are two ways of understanding. (a) Via the inner, intellectual eye. It understands Hashem's signs and wonders. All of Yisrael can attain this. When they closed their intellectual eyes, they are called blind. Now, they looked to see. (b) Refer to 42:18:3:1.


How did the dead hear?


Malbim: The second way of understanding is via the inner ear. It hears Hashem's word via Nevu'ah. This is the level of the Nevi'im sent to rebuke the nation. When they do not want to prophesize and hear Hashem's word 1 , they are called deaf. Now, they heard.


When do we find that a Navi did not want to hear His word? The only cases I know are Yisrael at Matan Torah, who feared lest they die, and Yonah! (PF)

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