
What is the meaning of "Kanah Ratzutz Lo Yishbor"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: The poor, who are like a weak reed, will not be broken.


Radak: It is a reed that is close to breaking. This is like "Al Mish'enes Kanah ha'Ratzutz" (36:6). If it were totally broken, no one would lean on it. His words and the conduct of his kingdom will be so gentle, that even the weak will not feel it. The weak are compared to a weak reed and a dim [lamp with a wick of] flax. It is close to extinguishing. Do not think that because [Mashi'ach] will be gentle and soft, he will not do Mishpat. He will carry out Mishpat. No intent will be withheld from him.


Malbim: Many Nevi'im established their words via punishing Resha'im. E.g. Elisha killed youths via bears, and Eliyahu killed Nevi'ei ha'Ba'al on Har ha'Karmel. There are two kinds of Resha'im. (a) Resha'im due to lust and bad Midos. This is compared to a weak reed; its power to sprout is broken. Also refer to 42:3:2:4.


What is the meaning of "u'Fishtah Chehah Lo Yechabenah"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: The poor, who are like the lamp of My nation, will not be extinguished.


Rashi: A flax wick is moist; it is prone to extinguish. Their king will not steal from the poor, nor crush the poor and weak.


Radak: Refer to 42:3:1:2.


Malbim: There are Resha'im due to intellect - they turned to heresy. They are compared to dim flax. A flax wick is prepared to illuminate the lamp; i.e. intellect prepared to illuminate the house; its light dimmed.


What is the significance of "l'Emes Yotzi Mishpat"?


Malbim: [Mashi'ach] will not destroy the two kinds of Resha'im. Rather, his Mishpat will be Emes, and in its light, all will repent.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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