
What is "Chatzer ha'Penimis"?


Rashi: The Heichal.


Radak: In Ezras Kohanim, from the Mizbe'ach and inward (towards the Heichal), like it says in the Torah 1 .


It says "Al Tesht? b'Vo'achem El Ohel Mo'ed" (Vayikra 10:9)! Radak merely points out that the Torah forbids them to drink before entering the Kodesh. However, the places where this applies are not the same. (PF)


Why does the Navi teach laws written in the Torah?


Radak #1: He teaches matters not explicit in the Torah (until now, they were only a tradition. Therefore, he also repeats what is written in the Torah.)


Radak #2: Perhaps he teaches new matters that will be in the future, for additional Kedushah. (Therefore, he needed to teach that other matters will remain the same.)


Malbim: Here he teaches that all Kohanim are forbidden to drink wine, even those who are not proper for Avodah.

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