
What is the meaning of "Ach ba'Shem Li Amar [Tzedakos va'Oz]"?


Rashi: The verse should be re-arranged - Ach Li ba'Shem Amar Tzedakos va'Oz. Even though all Goyim will bow to Him, only to me, Keneses Yisrael, Tzedakos and Oz were promised to me. Those who deny Torah will not come to profane my honor.


Radak #1: These are the Navi's words.


Radak #2: The Navi said, these future matters, I do not say via Chachmah, rather, ba'Shem - Elokei ha'Tzedakos veha'Oz told me.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: Only to Hashem are Tzedakos and Oz. The word Li was inserted; it refers to Hashem who speaks with me.


Radak citing his father: The Navi said, I swear in the name of Hashem that He said to me Tzedakos and Oz.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: However, the word of Hashem upon me said to bring Tzedakah and strength.


Radak: This is connected to "Tishava Kol Lashon" at the end of the previous verse. They will swear only in Hashem, and not in other gods. Do not say that "Tishava" refers to "Li" written before it. Tishava is used with (the prefix Beis or pronouns beginning with) Beis, e.g. "ba'Shem Nishbati" (Shmuel II, 19:8), "Bi Nishbati" (23), not with [the prefix Lamed or pronouns beginning with] Lamed 1 . Hashem said, I have Tzedakos va'Oz to give to one who serves Me.


Malbim: Even though Hashem will accept all Nochrim to the true Emunah, Yisrael will be different. Li (Yisrael) will have in Hashem Tzedakos va'Oz. Aside from Tzedakos via serving Hashem and doing His Mitzvos, Yisrael will have in their strength, and not just via His Chesed.


We find "va'Asher Nishba Li", "Hishav'ah Li" (Bereishis 24:7, 25:33, 47:31)! (PF)


What is the meaning of "Adav"?


Metzudas Tziyon: It is 'to'.


What is the meaning of "Adav Yavo v'Yevoshu Kol ha'Necherim Bo"?


Rashi: All who are Necherim at Hashem, will come to Him to regret what they did in their lifetimes, and they will be ashamed. Ha'Necherim are those who contest Hashem.


Radak #1: Ba'al Tzedakos [will come], and when He comes to them, will be ashamed all the Necherim, i.e. those who get angry at Him.


Radak #2: All the nations who were angry at Hashem and despised Him and His Avodah until that day, then they will come to Him, confess and be ashamed of what they did. Yavo (singular) refers to each nation. The Mesorah says that 'Yavo' is [exceptional, it is] plural.


Malbim: The nations who were angry at Hashem and denied His Elokus until then, also they will come to Him to serve Him, but hey will be ashamed of their anger until now.

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