
What is the meaning of "Al Yanus ha'Kal"?


Radak: The fast runner should not flee, for it will not help him, for the pursuers will catch him.


Why does it say "v'Lo Yimalet ha'Gibor"?


Radak: A Gibor should not think that he will escape if he stands to fight against them. His strength will not help him; he will fall to them.


Why does it say "Tzafonah"?


Radak #1: In the north corner of Karkemish, for the war was there.


Radak #2: Karkemish was north of Egypt. Similarly, it says below (verse 10) "b'Eretz Tzafon."


Malbim: Instead of fleeing to the south, towards Egypt, they will err and flee to the north, by the river. The enemy comes in back of them and forces them to the river, and there they all fell, for the river closed the path against them.

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