What is the meaning of "ka'Y'or Ya'aleh"?
Rashi: He used to raise troops around him like a river, to flood around him. Radak - this is said mockingly (he no longer does so).
Radak (8, citing Targum Yonasan): He goes out with his camps like a cloud goes out and covers the land.
Malbim: When the Nile 1 rises, it covers the entire land with its abundance of water. So Egypt covered the land with its great camps.
Rashi (Bereishis 41:1): Only the Nilus is called Ye'or.
What is the meaning of "Yisga'ashu Meimav"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Its waters will be turbulent.
Malbim: Just like a flowing river, its water is sharp and it washes away everything in its path, so Giborim [of Egypt] used to inundate all kingdoms.