
What is "Derech Ulam Sha'ar mi'Chutz"?


Rashi: This is like it says above "v'Eilamav El Chatzer ha'Chitzonah 1 " (40:31). I.e. he will enter via the eastern gate, which will serve for entrance and exit. He comes to it via the Pishpesh.


Radak #2: This refers to the Ulam or Sha'ar ha'Heichal. The Nasi may go there until the threshold of Sha'ar ha'Heichal, which is closed.


Malbim: The Ulam of Sha'ar ha'Penimi is outside. He will come to Chatzer ha'Chitzonah via the Ulam of the eastern gate. (When he comes to the gate of Chatzer ha'Chitzonah to eat there, he comes also to Ulam ha'Sha'ar; there, the Ulam is inside. He will not come from the outside, for the gate of Chatzer ha'Chitzonah will always be closed. Rather, he will come from inside, via the northern gate or southern gate. However, to Ulam Sha'ar ha'Penimi he will come from the outside, in front of the cells.


Radak #1: All gates had Ulamim.


What is "Mezuzas ha'Sha'ar"?


Rashi: It is the small gate, i.e. the Pishpesh. He stands there, for one must stand by his Korban when it is offered.


What are the Olah and Shelamim?


Rashi: They are Olas Re'iyah and Shalmei Chagigah. This verse refers to Yom Tov.


What is "Miftan ha'Sha'ar", where he bows?


Radak: It is the threshold of Sha'ar ha'Heichal.


Why will it not be closed until evening?


Radak: Even though the Nasi left after he bowed, the commoners do not come at once. When each one or groups come, they bow at the opening of the gate [of Chatzer ha'Penimis], which is opposite Sha'ar ha'Heichal.

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