
What is the meaning of "Tzo'im"?


Rashi: Emptying. Similarly, "Mihar Tzo'eh Lehipase'ach" (Yeshayah 51:14) is going (emptying out) the intestines via diarrhea.


Radak: They exile and make them travel from their place where they were serene until now. This is like "Tzo'eh b'Rov Kocho" (Yeshayah 63:1).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Plunderers [and they will plunder them].


Malbim: This is bubbling of wine. It is internally agitated. Such wine can break a sealed flask - "Vitni k'Yayin Lo Yipase'ach k'Ovos Chadashim Yibake'a." Hashem will send internal agitation, i.e. rebellion; a man's sword will be against his colleague. This was when the enemy came against them.


Why does it say "v'Chelav Yariku"?


Radak: It is because Mo'av was compared to wine that was not emptied from Kli to Kli.


What is the meaning of "Nivleihem Yenapetzu"?


Rashi: They will break the Mo'avim's barrels. This is like "Eichah Nechshevu l'Nivlei Cheres" (Eichah 4:2), "Kol Nevel Yemalei Yayin" (above, 13:12).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They will empty their property and finish off the best of their land.


Radak citing his father: Yenapetzu is to empty; the Targum of "va'Te'ar Kadah" (Bereishis 24:20) is u'Nfatzas. The matter (emptying) is repeated, to strengthen it.


Malbim: It previously said about a Kli full of wine "v'Chelav Yariku." Here it says that barrels that absorbed wine, will break. I.e. cities will be destroyed and emptied of people.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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