
What is "Nudo"?


Rashi: It is an expression of lamentation, like "v'Al Tanudu Lo" (22:10).


Malbim: Make them relocate 1 . All their neighbors can dislocate them already, for it is as if they are already broken.


This is like "Na va'Nad" (Bereishis 4:12). (PF)


What is the significance of "Mateh" and "Makel"?


Malbim: Mateh symbolizes kingship, and Makel are enforcers over the nation. If the Mateh is not strong, just beautiful, and he rules via a strong Makel by force, this is not good. In Mo'av, the kingship itself was strong, and the Makel was merely for the glory of the kingship; it did not rule by force.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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