
Why is He called "Go'alcha"?


Radak: He redeems you from Galus Bavel, via Koresh.


Malbim: Do not fear that your days of serenity will not last, for you will be exiled a second time. It depends on you - if you will improve your deeds, this will be a permanent Ge'ulah. I am Go'alcha by Myself, and [I can redeem you] due to your deeds - "Kedosh Yisrael."


What is the meaning of "Melamedcha Leho'il"?


Radak: I teach you every day how to be b'Shalom, if you will heed Me, and you will not be exiled to Bavel, and not need this salvation - if you will go in the way that I guide you.


Malbim: I teach to you true Emunos and De'os.

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