
What is the meaning of "Chasafti"?


Rashi: I revealed. This is like "Machsof ha'Lavan" (Bereishis 30:37). [I did so because] you (Edom) closed off [Yisrael's] remnant, so nothing would remain - "v'Al Tasger Seridav" (Ovadyah 1:14).


Malbim: I exposed him from the fortresses in which he was surrounded 1 , and I also revealed his hidden matters.


Through inducing him to chase Bnei Dedan. (PF) Refer to 49:8:3:1.


Why does it mention grape harvesters (verse 9) and revealing Esav's secrets here and in Ovadyah 1:5-6?


Rashi (9): Hashem sometimes gives the same message to different Nevi'im, but they do not prophesize in the same words. There are minor differences between them.


What is the meaning of "v'Nechbah Lo Yuchal"?


Rashi: [Edom] will seek to hide, but will not be able to [Radak - because I revealed his hidden matters. The Hei at the end of v'Nechbah is in place of an Aleph. It is Makor (like an infinitive) and similar to the past in the Nif'al conjugation.]


Malbim: He could not hide, for he was not in his house at all.


What is the meaning of "Shudad Zar'o v'Echav u'Shchenav v'Einenu"?


Malbim: He was not in his house, and did not know at all [that the enemy came].

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