
Why does it say "va'Tomer Tziyon Azavani Hashem va'Shem Shechechani"?


Rashi: She thought that Hashem forgot her.


Radak: It mentions Tziyon, for it was the head of Yisrael's kingship. It is as if the city mourns over its children. All of Yisrael are her children, and not only her residents, for all Yisrael come to her to serve Hashem. Due to the length of Galus, it seems that Hashem abandoned and forgot [Tziyon].


Malbim: Tziyon does not know [that the exiles are returning].


What is the difference between "Azavani" and "Shechechani"?


Brachos 32b: Keneses Yisrael says to Hashem, when a man takes a second wife, he remembers his first wife's deeds (even though he somewhat abandons her). You abandoned and forgot me 1 !


Malbim: Not only did You abandon me due to sin - it seems tome that due to repulsion, You forgot me and do not remember me any more!


32b: Hashem replies, I created 12 constellations, with 30 generals for each, and 30 lieutenants for each general... and billons of stars for each officer. I created all of them just for you -- I did not forget or abandon you!

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